31 aug. 2014

Nordea - the big picture

What controls the Swedish stock market?

I have listened to a lot of explanations and analysis about the swedish stock market. Not one of them even mention that what really controls the stock market in Sweden is how Dow Jones is doing.

29 aug. 2014

Mining and Gold index Us.

Djus Mining index,

DJ Us Gold mining index


Catella, from Yahoo, 6 month daily,
200 day MA.

5 days

Second quarter 2014

  • Net sales were SEK 348 M (240)
  • Profit/loss before tax was SEK 86 M (17), of which positive value adjustment of loan portfolios of SEK 32 M (8)
  • Profit/loss after tax was SEK 85 M (11)
  • Earnings per share were SEK 1.04 (0.13)

First half-year 2014

  • Net sales SEK 610 M (430)
  • Profit/loss before tax SEK 112 M (-24)
  • Profit/loss after tax SEK 100 M (-28)
  • Earnings per share: SEK 1.22 (-0.34)
  • Equity: SEK 1,050 M (896)
  • Equity per share: SEK 12.86 (10.97)

Corporate Finance

  • Second quarter: net sales were SEK 141 M (92) and profit/loss before tax was SEK 24 M (8)
  • Second quarter: property transaction volumes of SEK 11.6 Bn (10.1)
  • First half-year: net sales of SEK 211 M (140) and profit/loss before tax of SEK 16 M (-19)
  • First half-year: property transaction volumes of SEK 21.3 Bn (12.7)

Asset Management

  • Second quarter: net sales SEK 209 M (150) and profit/loss before tax of SEK 32 M (13)
  • Second quarter: volumes under management increased by SEK 6.5 Bn and amounted to SEK 66.6 Bn (43.5) as of 30 June 2014. The net inflow was SEK 4.7 Bn
  • First half-year: net sales of SEK 401 M (292) and profit/loss before tax of SEK 61 M (12)
  • First half-year: volumes under management increased by SEK 14.3 Bn (2.3), of which net inflow was  SEK 11.2 Bn (1.6)

“Activity in our advisory services increased on most markets compared to 2013. Net inflow to Catella’s funds remained strong, mainly to our Swedish funds”, says Knut Pedersen, Catella’s CEO and President.


Boliden 3 month daily

HM at resistance level

I would sell this stock.

Net Insight 3 month daily

Some increased activity today.

27 aug. 2014

Dow Jones financials long term

Dow Jones financials 10 years weekly.

Do you see signs of weakness in this index?

Any potential?

SEB hourly

Breaking resistance, 10 days hourly.


Husqvarna 6 month daily.
Primary trend up.


update sep 1.

weekly 5 years.

3 month daily

21 aug. 2014

Sandvik - support levels

2 support levels here in the weekly chart.

Sandvik daily 3 months


Bought a few abb today 
hoping this level will hold 
and cause a bounce.

20 aug. 2014


Update 29 aug

Primary trend up,
touching 200 day MA.

Maybe not any significant buy signal yet,
but it could be worth to watch.

update, positive news today about
collaboration/order with tele2.

27 aug

17 aug. 2014

Lundbergs 3 years weekly

Support level in the uptrend.

Support level in Volvo ?

The latest report from Volvo was a
bit disappointing. Interesting to see
if this level could cause a bounce.

Update, weekly chart 3 years,

rsi and stochastic suggests a bounce here.

Boliden 4 years weekly

With a rising trend in gold index,
I think this upper line will be broken
sooner or later.

Nasdaq at a resistance level

Resistance level.
But primary trend is still up.

15 aug. 2014

Industrivärden c

LUNDBERG, FREDRIK2014-08-05INDU-C50 000,00
LUNDBERG, FREDRIK2014-07-29INDU-C70 000,00

Notera att primärtrenden,
200 dagars MA, fortfarande
är upp, trots nedgång sedan
utdelning i maj.

Atlas copco

Stigande primärtrend.
Starkt stöd från 2 håll.

11 aug. 2014

This market has no potential?

If you take a look at the big picture of 
dow jones financials, do you see any potential?

Dow Jones and Omx Sweden

Dow Jones and swedish Omx, 1 year daily,
with underlying primary trend.

8 aug. 2014

Global dow 2 years

2 years.
Here it´s obvious what happened the 
3-4 times gdow hit 200 day MA the
last 2 years.

Dow Jones - turning point?

Frozen picture.
Touching 2oo day MA.
Primary trend still up,
could be a turning point.

Global dow

Global dow still in a primary uptrend
seems to be turning exactly when it
touches 200 day MA.